Maritime Racing
May 9th Cape Breton Miners Memorial Speedway Open Practice Canceled

The late winter has claimed its first victim.
Bill Vasil, owner of Cape Breton Miners Memorial Speedway and the NAPA Sportsman Series, broke the situation of Saturday’s pending practice to racers in a simple message Monday.
The Good- sun is out !
The Bad – we had to plow snow to get into the track today.
The Ugly- it is far to wet on the grounds to hold a test session this weekend. Sorry!
A date for the “snowed out” practice day was not announced.
The first race of both the Cape Breton Miners Memorial Speedway and NAPA Sportsman Series seasons is set for Saturday, June 6th in Sydney, NS. Cape Breton’s only paved stock car oval is also home to the Cat Rental Sales Mini Stock and Cape Breton Trailer Sales Street Stock divisions.