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Maritime Racing

Speedway 660 Riverview Ford Lincoln Opener Washed Out

Mother Nature has claimed its first victim on the Maritime racing schedule.

Officials at Speedway 660 have canceled their May 11th opening day and the subsequent practice the day prior to due to wet grounds.

With the winter leaving a ton of snow, combined with the rain that has been falling in recent days, the amount of precipitation has left the ground saturated. The same wet grounds washed out private testing this past weekend.

All other activities, including track rentals and the moving in of trailers to the campground have also been canceled until further notice to give the facility time to dry out.

The Riverview Ford Lincoln Season Opener will now take place on Sunday, May 18th at 2pm, with an open practice to take place on Saturday, May 17th from 1pm to 5pm.

Photo by McCarthy Photographic

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