Maritime Racing
Building Champion’s List – We Want Your Help!

This initially started off as a search for Scotia Speedworld champions, but I want to take it one step further.
The plan is for next week and into the start of April is to start overhauling those track and series pages above, going through and updating information for the 2014 season since we have schedules for all of the major asphalt oval tracks in the region now. Something else I want to add to these pages, along with having its own page on the site, is a past champions list.
This is where the work begins.
The only complete list I have here is Speedway 660, which they previously published each year in their souvenir program. Scotia Speedworld has champions listed back to 2002 on their website and this is really where the search began. Why? Dan Smith and Cole Butcher each have the chance to win their third consecutive championships in the Truck and Legend classes, respectively, in 2014. From looking at the lists back to 2002, there has not been a three time or three time consecutive champion in any class at Scotia Speedworld, at least back to that point. The track opened in 1988 and has run racing since, so obviously there are some holes there.
That is where you come in.
As I said, this began as a Scotia Speedworld project, and that’s one of the main priorities at this time, but I want to hear from anyone that has historical information that can fill holes. If you know or are someone who won a track championship at Riverside Speedway or Oyster Bed Speedway, I’d love to have that information for the site. Do you have a program that has a list of historical track champions from back in the day? Scan it, or take a picture and send it in and we’ll share it with everyone here on
Once this thing gains traction, I’ll set up a page so everyone can keep track of what we have and what holes need to be filled!
List of what we have:
Scotia Speedworld Track Champions to 2002 (2002 to present)
Scotia Speedworld Shriner’s Classic Champions
Speedway 660 Track Champions
Triple Crown Race Winners (IWK 250, Auto Value 250, CAT 250)
River Glade International Champions
List of what we could use:
Scotia Speedworld Track Champions – 1988 to 2001
Any historical information
Anything not listed above…
Got info and want to submit it? Perfect!
Send an email to with the information you wish to submit to the project. Any and all help is appreciate in this effort!
Photo by McCarthy Photographic