Maritime Racing
POLL: Your “Must Attend” Event In 2014 – Vote Now!

We heard your voices and we have now narrowed your choices to eleven.
Last week, we gave you a survey to fill out on your favorite events in Atlantic Canadian stock car racing, outside of the three Triple Crown weekends. While some events had a stronger reaction than others, we had some great responses and we are leaving it down to you again to decide our winner!
We have eleven events in the poll below that each had at least one mention in the survey and with this poll, we will narrow down to the top three events fans believe are the “must see” on the upcoming 2014 campaign and profile them next week here on the site. You may only vote once, but you can vote for up to three events on your ballot. Vote for one, two or three – it’s your choice!
Events are listed in chronological order in the way they appear on the 2014 schedule.
We also have a second poll for you below, which is the choice of the three Triple Crown event weekends.
Results will be unveiled on Wednesday, March 19th.
Thanks for voting!
Favorite Triple Crown Event
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