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Tim's Corner Motorsports TV

Join us for the Fourth Annual Tim’s Corner LIVE! Holiday Party Show

Back by popular demand, our Tim’s Corner LIVE! Holiday Party returns in 2024 – and you are invited!

Hosted by Dylan Langille and Tim Terry, our Holiday Party is an opportunity to tell stories, chat about the year that was and maybe look ahead to what is to come. We invite drivers, teams, promoters and more to hop on and be a part of what is now a yearly tradition, and at some points controlled chaos, on our show! Think of it as a virtual bonfire, where we’re all shooting the breeze and telling stories among friends with a few cold beverages on tap.

The show takes place on Tuesday, December 17th, beginning at 8pm and going until 10pm, Dylan runs out of eggnog or Dewey tells us we’re done.

There are no official prizes, but there will be bragging rights on the line for the best holiday attire. Can you top Robbie MacLean’s Holiday Sweater from 2021?!

The virtual party is hosted on Zoom. To get the meeting information sent to you, please fill out the form below. We will send the Zoom information to your email on the afternoon of the show along with any last minute notes.

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