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Winter National Points


Final points for INEX Winter Nationals, provided to us by Auburndale Speedway. Congrats to all the winners and champions!

Car # Name Total
1 26 Smith, Chandler, GA 200
2 29 Canipe, D. J., NC 182
3 77 Cisneros, Blake, TX 172
4 74 Cornman, Sam, FL 172
5 51 Fatscher, Eddie, 170
6 14 Chapman, Steven, CT 154
7 0
8 0
22B Bramlett, Colton, FL 160
1 22 Robusto, William 154
2 55 Robuston, Isabella 146
4 0
Semi Pro
1 15n Ledson, Nick    Canada 180
2 2 Lyons, Robby     FL 166
3 17 O’Connell, Devin 166
4 14 Halvertson, Riley 144
5 1g Gregory,  Joe    KY 142
6 10 Senter, R.S.    GA 134
7 4 Rhode, Brady    MN 130
8 29c Crouse, Sheldon     NC 118
9 3 Jorgensen, Taylor    GA 114
10 95 Herrin, Zach     GA 112
11 10l Lefcourt, Courtney    NJ 106
12 77 Payne, Chris      AR 100
13 35 Marks, Rachel 90
14 84 Gilligan, Breanne   NY 88
15 88 Naugle,  Nicholas    CA 86
16 15n Vilardo, Carl    NY 52
17 72 Woodall,  Bailey    GA 52
18 61 Pack, Tash   VA 20
19 33 Linker, Matt   NC 16
Young Lions
1 48 Ferguson, Carson, NC 196
2 8 Gragson, Noah, NV 188
3 24 Mullis, Woodrow, GA 178
4 3 Womack, Michael, CA 152
5 5e Eckes, Christian, NY 148
6 53 Butcher, Jarret, Canada 146
7 19 Herbst, Riley, 128
8 14 Leonhardi, Zach, GA 126
9 17 Millington, Ryan, NC 122
10 84 Cornman, Noah, FL 120
11 12 Graf, Joseph, NJ 104
12 36k Larson, Jayden, MN 100
13 29 Kunert, Austin, IL 86
14 m16 Henslee, Coby, TX 84
15 18 Catania, Matthew, NC 64
16 17g Griesbach, Grant, WI 48
17 87 Thomas, Matthew, FL 8
18 0
19 0
Masters 0
1 72 Pistone, Tom   NC 194
2 33 Causey Rette 174
3 13 Brockhouse, Tim   MN 154
4 58 Cormier, Carl    NC 140
5 17 Lemke, Jon  MN 122
7 29 Jacobsen, Shon  MN 110
8 Irwin, DeWayne  TX 108
9 78 Farmer, Cody  AR 106
10 72w Woodall, Robbie  GA 98
11 14l Lefcourt, Jeff  NJ 98
12 65 Bursey, Gary   Canada 98
13 8 Edwards, Scotty  VA 94
14 12 Graf, Joe  NJ 80
15 18 Wilson, Bernard   SC 76
16 45 Irwin, Curtis   TX 74
17 9 Traxler, Gene MN 66
18 21 Moberg, Karl   Fl 54
19 15 Flail, David   FL 48
20 17l Laughy, Ira   Canada 46
6 41 Borchetta, Mark  CA 44
21 14 Cinnaman, Duane  CA 40
22 99 Pucak, Rodney   AK 24
23 15p Plemons Jr., Bill   GA 6
24 1 Lyons, Bob  FL 4
25 0
26 0
Pro 0
1 25 Byron, William,  NC 200
2 7 Baggette, Dakota FL 154
3 300 Heskett, Baiden  TX 150
4 28 Quinlan, Grant MI 150
5 14b Black, Jordan FL 144
6 15 Torres, Michael FL 128
7 18 Swilling, Evan GA 122
8 66 Smith, Zane   CA 118
9 5k Abbott, Kory FL 104
10 16 Pacheco, Alex NC 98
11 5b Butcher, Cole CAN 98
12 5a Adams, Seth FL 88
13 15p Plemons III, William GA 82
14 5 Lemke, Derek MN 74
15 Hill, Austin 70
16 13 Traxler, Casey NC 62
17 27 Hershey, Stephen PA 60
18 51 McCollum, Todd NJ 52
19 70 Braunschwig, Tyler ME 48
20 83 White, R.J. OH 44
21 84 Jarrell, Trey VA 20
61 Pack, JJ VA 16
10 Kelley, Paul GA 14
1 3 Jorgensen, Jensen, GA 174
2 8 Purdy, Chase, MS 172
3 29 Powell, Austin, MS 172
4 56 Hicks, Joshua, GA 166
5 12 Winger, Ashton, GA 164
6 51 Langille, Braden, NS 162
7 #03 Hall, Cory, NB 138
8 #05 Bell, Hannah, NC 134
9 m10 McCollum, Alex, NJ 132
10 24 Mead, Matt, PA 124
11 #08 Rumbolt, Dylan, Canada 112


Points after Day Four of INEX Winter Nationals, provided to us by Auburndale Speedway.

Car # Name Total
1 26 Smith, Chandler, GA 160
2 29 Canipe, D. J., NC 150
3 77 Cisneros, Blake, TX 138
4 74 Cornman, Sam, FL 136
5 51 Fatscher, Eddie, 132
6 14 Chapman, Steven, CT 124
7 0
8 0
 1 22 Robusto, William 154
2 55 Robuston, Isabella 146
3 22B Bramlett, Colton, FL 120
Semi Pro
1 2 Ledson, Nick    Canada 142
2 10 Lyons, Robby     FL 138
3 17 O’Connell, Devin 134
4 9 Senter, R.S.    GA 118
5 1g Gregory,  Joe    KY 108
6 4 Rhode, Brady    MN 104
7 14 Halvertson, Riley 104
8 3 Jorgensen, Taylor    GA 100
9 95 Herrin, Zach     GA 100
10 29c Crouse, Sheldon     NC 88
11 10l Lefcourt, Courtney    NJ 84
12 77 Payne, Chris      AR 80
13 35 Marks, Rachel 72
14 88 Naugle,  Nicholas    CA 62
15 84 Gilligan, Breanne   NY 58
16 15n Vilardo, Carl    NY 52
17 72 Woodall,  Bailey    GA 52
18 61 Pack, Tash   VA 20
19 33 Linker, Matt   NC 16
Young Lions
1 48 Ferguson, Carson, NC 156
2 8 Gragson, Noah, NV 150
3 24 Mullis, Woodrow, GA 142
4 3 Womack, Michael, CA 122
5 53 Butcher, Jarret, Canada 120
6 5e Eckes, Christian, NY 116
7 14 Leonhardi, Zach, GA 104
8 84 Cornman, Noah, FL 96
9 17 Millington, Ryan, NC 94
10 19 Herbst, Riley, 94
11 12 Graf, Joseph, NJ 86
12 36k Larson, Jayden, MN 80
13 29 Kunert, Austin, IL 72
14 m16 Henslee, Coby, TX 68
15 18 Catania, Matthew, NC 52
16 17g Griesbach, Grant, WI 48
17 87 Thomas, Matthew, FL 8
18 0
19 0
Masters 0
1 72 Pistone, Tom   NC 154
2 33 Causey Rette 136
3 13 Brockhouse, Tim   MN 118
4 58 Cormier, Carl    NC 116
5 17 Lemke, Jon  MN 100
7 72w Woodall, Robbie  GA 98
8 8 Edwards, Scotty  VA 94
9 14l Lefcourt, Jeff  NJ 78
10 Irwin, DeWayne  TX 78
11 29 Jacobsen, Shon  MN 76
12 78 Farmer, Cody  AR 74
13 65 Bursey, Gary   Canada 72
14 9 Traxler, Gene MN 66
15 18 Wilson, Bernard   SC 58
16 45 Irwin, Curtis   TX 58
17 21 Moberg, Karl   Fl 54
18 12 Graf, Joe  NJ 52
19 17l Laughy, Ira   Canada 46
20 41 Borchetta, Mark  CA 44
6 14 Cinnaman, Duane  CA 40
21 15 Flail, David   FL 34
22 99 Pucak, Rodney   AK 24
23 15p Plemons Jr., Bill   GA 6
24 1 Lyons, Bob  FL 4
25 0
26 0
Pro 0
1 25 Byron, William,  NC 160
2 7 Baggette, Dakota FL 132
3 300 Heskett, Baiden  TX 122
4 28 Quinlan, Grant MI 118
5 14b Black, Jordan FL 114
6 18 Swilling, Evan GA 96
7 16 Pacheco, Alex NC 94
8 15 Torres, Michael FL 94
9 66 Smith, Zane   CA 80
10 5b Butcher, Cole CAN 74
11 15p Plemons III, William GA 74
12 Hill, Austin 70
13 5a Adams, Seth FL 68
14 5k Abbott, Kory FL 68
15 5 Lemke, Derek MN 56
16 13 Traxler, Casey NC 50
17 51 McCollum, Todd NJ 46
18 27 Hershey, Stephen PA 44
19 70 Braunschwig, Tyler ME 38
20 83 White, R.J. OH 30
21 84 Jarrell, Trey VA 20
61 Pack, JJ VA 16
10 Kelley, Paul GA 14
1 8 Purdy, Chase, MS 146
2 56 Hicks, Joshua, GA 144
3 3 Jorgensen, Jensen, GA 136
4 29 Powell, Austin, MS 132
5 51 Langille, Braden, NS 128
6 12 Winger, Ashton, GA 128
7 m10 McCollum, Alex, NJ 108
8 #03 Hall, Corey, NB 106
9 #05 Bell, Hannah, NC 104
10 24 Mead, Matt, PA 96
11 #08 Rumbolt, Dylan, Canada 92


Points after Day Three of INEX Winter Nationals, provided to us by Auburndale Speedway. Big thanks to Colette for getting these to us!

Car # Name Total


1 26 Smith, Chandler, GA 120
2 29 Canipe, D. J., NC 112
3 77 Cisneros, Blake, TX 106
4 74 Cornman, Sam, FL 102
5 51 Fatscher, Eddie, 96
6 14 Chapman, Steven, CT 94
7 0
8 0


1 22B Bramlett, Colton, FL 120
2 22 Robusto, William 114
3 55 Robuston, Isabella 108
4 0

Semi Pro

1 2 Ledson, Nick    Canada 106
2 10 Lyons, Robby     FL 104
3 17 O’Connell, Devin 102
4 9 Senter, R.S.    GA 92
5 4 Rhode, Brady    MN 86
6 1g Gregory,  Joe    KY 84
7 3 Jorgensen, Taylor    GA 72
8 10l Lefcourt, Courtney    NJ 72
9 95 Herrin, Zach     GA 70
10 14 Halvertson, Riley 66
11 77 Payne, Chris      AR 58
12 15n Vilardo, Carl    NY 52
13 88 Naugle,  Nicholas    CA 52
14 35 Marks, Rachel 52
15 29c Crouse, Sheldon     NC 48
16 84 Gilligan, Breanne   NY 42
17 72 Woodall,  Bailey    GA 38
18 61 Pack, Tash   VA 20
19 33 Linker, Matt   NC 16
Young Lions
1 48 Ferguson, Carson, NC 116
2 8 Gragson, Noah, NV 112
3 24 Mullis, Woodrow, GA 108
4 5e Eckes, Christian, NY 102
5 53 Butcher, Jarrett, Canada 88
6 3 Womack, Michael, CA 86
7 17 Millington, Ryan, NC 82
8 14 Leonhardi, Zach, GA 78
9 84 Cornman, Noah, FL 68
10 19 Herbst, Riley, 64
11 12 Graf, Joseph, NJ 62
12 36k Larson, Jayden, MN 60
13 29 Kunert, Austin, IL 54
14 m16 Henslee, Coby, TX 46
15 17g Griesbach, Grant, WI 38
16 18 Catania, Matthew, NC 36
17 87 Thomas, Matthew, FL 8
18 0
19 0
Masters 0
1 72 Pistone, Tom   NC 114
2 33 Causey Rette 102
3 17 Lemke, Jon  MN 92
4 13 Brockhouse, Tim   MN 82
5 58 Cormier, Carl    NC 78
6 78 Farmer, Cody  AR 72
7 29 Jacobsen, Shon  MN 70
8 72w Woodall, Robbie  GA 68
9 8 Edwards, Scotty  VA 62
10 14l Lefcourt, Jeff  NJ 56
11 Irwin, DeWayne  TX 50
12 21 Moberg, Karl   Fl 50
13 18 Wilson, Bernard   SC 46
14 65 Bursey, Gary   Canada 46
15 41 Borchetta, Mark  CA 44
16 9 Traxler, Gene MN 42
17 14 Cinnaman, Duane  CA 40
18 12 Graf, Joe  NJ 38
19 45 Irwin, Curtis   TX 38
20 17l Laughy, Ira   Canada 36
21 15 Flail, David   FL 18
22 99 Pucak, Rodney   AK 6
23 15p Plemons Jr., Bill   GA 6
24 1 Lyons, Bob  FL 4
25 0
26 0
Pro 0
1 25 Byron, William,  NC 120
2 7 Baggette, Dakota FL 98
3 300 Heskett, Baiden  TX 90
4 18 Swilling, Evan GA 90
5 28 Quinlan, Grant MI 88
6 16 Pacheco, Alex NC 80
7 14b Black, Jordan FL 76
8 66 Smith, Zane   CA 76
9 15 Torres, Michael FL 66
10 5a Adams, Seth FL 60
11 5k Abbott, Kory FL 56
12 5b Butcher, Cole CAN 52
13 13 Traxler, Casey NC 50
14 15p Plemons III, William GA 48
15 5 Lemke, Derek MN 36
16 Hill, Austin 34
17 27 Hershey, Stephen PA 28
18 51 McCollum, Todd NJ 22
19 83 White, R.J. OH 20
20 70 Braunschwig, Tyler ME 20
21 84 Jarrell, Trey VA 20
 22 61 Pack, JJ VA 16
 23 10 Kelley, Paul GA 14
1 56 Hicks, Joshua, GA 108
2 8 Purdy, Chase, MS 108
3 3 Jorgensen, Jensen, GA 104
4 51 Langille, Braden, NS 98
5 12 Winger, Ashton, GA 94
6 29 Powell, Austin, MS 92
7 #05 Bell, Hannah, NC 84
8 m10 McCollum, Alex, NJ 82
9 #03 Hall, Corey, NB 78
10 24 Mead, Matt, PA 72
11 #08 Rumbolt, Dylan, Canada 70
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